I am a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Anthropology at Cornell University. My research brings together critical agrarian studies, political ecology, and legal anthropology. I have worked on questions of peasant agriculture, property law, land privatization, anti-colonialism, and agrarian transformation. Since 2013 I have carried out archival research and ethnographic fieldwork in the Middle East, primarily in Palestine and Israel.
My writing has appeared in American Ethnologist, Antipode, The Journal of Palestine Studies, The Journal of Peasant Studies, and elsewhere. My book, Plots and Deeds: Agrarian Annihilation and the Fight for Land Justice in Palestine will be published by Stanford University Press in 2026. My work has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Palestinian American Research Center, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, among others.
I earned my PhD in anthropology from the Johns Hopkins University in 2019. Before coming to Cornell, I held positions at Brown University and the University of Chicago. I have also worked with the Stop the Wall Campaign and the Land Defense Coalition in the West Bank.